Thursday, December 24, 2009

I'm Tellin'

On myself that is. I am feeling down in the dumps. I am NOT feeling like drinking, but I am on the verge of tears. This is a common occurrence around Christmas. I know I will get over it. But it still sucks big donkey dick. I lost my dad on December 19th in 1991 and I think that's when it began. I miss the hell out of him. Christmas was non-existent for me until Prince was born in 1997. Now I do it because I HAVE to for him. I put on a happy mommy face for him, but its not how I feel inside. I need to be up for a bit to set up some gifts and do the stocking and then I am going nitey nite and I hope I have some sweet dreams cause I shore could a good one right about now. THERE, now that I dumped that out into the blogosphere I should be good now, right?

Merry Christmas to all.....Queen.....OUT

Monday, December 21, 2009

Ho Ho Ho we got a LOT of Snow~~~

This is the joy on my son's face that I know is in there somewhere. It emerged when he and his cousin (my son from anutha mutha) buried him in the foot and a half of snow we got over the weekend. Oh how I wish I could see this more often.

They had LOTS of fun in the blizzard, so much so that they *forgot* that I had asked them to shovel my very long driveway while I was at work. Bastids. I said thats OK boys, now the UPS guy will look at our driveway and keep on moving. They will not want to, nor do they have to-navigate my unshoveled driveway to deliver THEIR final Christmas gifts. Save me some money.

I have been working, shopping, facebooking, and oh did I mention shopping? I think I bought myself more than anyone else. I got an electric blankie to keep me warm and some memory foam pillows to cuddle up with that will have to suffice since Queenie is still solo and see no change in that situation any time soon. I am SOOOO OK with that. I love being on my own. No one to answer to, no bullshit. AH, this is the life! And I am sober as a newborn baby-what more can a girl ask for?

Y'all have a nice day! QUEEN......OUT

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Promises and SHOPPING!

Your Queen has a problem. Well maybe its not exactly a PROBLEM. You decide. This is what my kitchen table currently looks like.

Yes folks, there IS indeed a table under all of those boxes. It's a mini version of the warehouse. This is what you get when you take the bottle away from THIS alcoholic and give her a credit card. And this is not all of it. Some stuff is back ordered, damn them. I'm shopping like it's my JOB. Well it kind of is this week as I am on vacation. Me and the sis are going out to do some REAL shopping in the morning. As in going to the ACTUAL store and dealing with ACTUAL people. Should be a hoot.

As if this wasn't enough-I hit up Verizon yesterday and got me and the kid Blackberry's. I'm on fire I say, on FIRE! I now know why Paris the douche bag Hilton never leaves home without it. What FUN!

You see now that I'm not all boozed up all the damn time and I actually GO TO WORK everyday, I have a few bucks to spare. It's one of those Promises that AA is always telling us about. Here they are for those of you who may not know about them:

The AA Promises

If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are half way through.

We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness.

We will not regret the past, nor wish to shut the door on it.

We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace.

No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others.

That feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear.

We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows.

Self-seeking will slip away.

Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change.

Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us.

We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us.

We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves.


They are being fulfilled among us-sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.

They will always materialize if we work for them.

Alcoholics Anonymous pg.83-84

Side note: I just typed out those promises-which is not a big deal-BUT why the hell can't I copy and paste in blogger anymore? ANYONE?

So anyhow---A bunch of these are definately ringing true in Queens life lately and it's just amazing. AMAZING.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Update/This and That~

I haven't been around here too much. I have been thinking about you all and will catch up on your blogs today as I am on VACATION from work. YAY.

Sister is still here, she will be here until whenever. She is welcome to stay forever. She is doing OK despite the fact that she is being labeled the "bad guy" in her children's eyes for "leaving their dad". Yeah, OK.?! They just don't understand the reason(s) why she HAD to leave their daddy. I try to talk to them if they bring it up and they are stuck on "Daddy this, and daddy is that" and that's OK for now. She is safe and someday they will understand.

Prince is doing really well in school. The first report cards should be here this week and I shall see how well he is really doing. He gets up in the morning with no hassles, gets off to school EVERY DAY-without begging to stay home. I get no phone call or emails complaining about his behavior. He does his homework when I ask him. This is a 180 turn from last year and I am damned proud of him. He starts his culinary shop today for the next 4 days. YES culinary. He picked culinary, auto body and IT as his 3 shops that he wants to explore before picking a trade that he will study for the next 4 years. Damn proud I am.

Thanksgiving went well. I cooked my royal ass off and it turned out great. My momma taught me well. It was family and friends here, with no alcohol and no brawls. Imagine that.

Uncle Drunkle showed up on Turkey Day. He was sober as a newborn baby. And has been since his accident and hospitalization. I think God gave that ladder a "nudge" and brought him back to us.

My cousin Glen is finally awake! He is still critical but is awake and has been hospitalized with H1N1 since the beginning of November! He missed his 40Th birthday and Thanksgiving while in his swine flu coma. I truly thank you all for your prayers and kind words during this most difficult time. The prayers are working. God is so good.

I have been a shopping fool. FOOL I SAY! I ended up staying home on Black Friday. Missed my opportunity to make an ass of myself and beat up a bitch for a Zhu Zhu pet at my local Toys R Us. Oh YEA. That's the OLD Queen. See how easy it is to revert back to my craziness. At least I can see that now. I did do a LOT of online BF shopping though. I will be getting packages all week.

I need to clean this dump up so I can put up a damn tree and get through this "holiday" season. I pretty much do it for Prince. If not for him I would SOOOOO not bother with all that BS.

So yea, that's it for now. I need to get my ass to the bank before my Holiday/BF purchases bounce all the way back to the retailers who thought I actually had that kind of money to blow.

Oh-and I did all of this SOBER! QUEEN.........OUT