Thursday, December 24, 2009

I'm Tellin'

On myself that is. I am feeling down in the dumps. I am NOT feeling like drinking, but I am on the verge of tears. This is a common occurrence around Christmas. I know I will get over it. But it still sucks big donkey dick. I lost my dad on December 19th in 1991 and I think that's when it began. I miss the hell out of him. Christmas was non-existent for me until Prince was born in 1997. Now I do it because I HAVE to for him. I put on a happy mommy face for him, but its not how I feel inside. I need to be up for a bit to set up some gifts and do the stocking and then I am going nitey nite and I hope I have some sweet dreams cause I shore could a good one right about now. THERE, now that I dumped that out into the blogosphere I should be good now, right?

Merry Christmas to all.....Queen.....OUT


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Queenee. Saying a prayer for you tonight.

Syd said...

Queen, I'm up watching the mass from St.Peter's. I do it every year and I'm not Catholic. It just is so moving. It makes me feel so much gratitude for all manner of things. I hope that you feel better and have a peaceful Christmas.

Anybeth said...

Merry to you. I'm sorry about your Dad. Perhaps you can make it a time when you try to honor him by being happy with your son? It might take out the sting of missing him?

Anonymous said...


Lou said...

Oh Queen, I hope seeing the light in The Boy's eyes will lighten your spirit.

Peace and love to you and yours.

Jess Mistress of Mischief said...

God be with you today, merry Christmas!

Sage Ravenwood said...

Merry Christmas dear friend! I know how you feel sweetie. Paul's (my other half)mother passed away Dec. 2nd - 2 years ago. She was the only mother I ever really knew and my heart still misses her.

However I celebrate the season with joy and peace, it's what she would of wanted. I think your dad would of wanted the same for you hon. Wishing you peace and love in this season of possibilities. (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

Queen, I feel like that on and off every Christmas as well. It feels like something is missing, and maybe its there all year, but we feel it most at Christmas. Idk. I've told a few people and they say its normal. It does not make it feel better though, and I don't know what to do about it. I'm glad I'm not alone though.

Akannie said...

Hey Queen...

Loving you girl. Hope the days went well and you are feeling better.

I go through this every year too...I try to just look at it and watch it pass on through....

Just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you.

xoxox Annie

Garykfc said...

Queen, I am so glad I found your blog this morning. Please keep "Tellin" because I want to hear I'm not alone. Have a terrific New Year.

Akannie said...

HEY GIRL !!!!!!!!!!!!

WHERE YOU AT ????????????