Monday, July 13, 2009

A Cry For Help

I was leaving my office today when a customer stopped me and asked me if I had a minute. This wasn't just any customer, this was a lady from my past-someone I have seen in the store on many occasions. I didn't think she knew or should I say remembered me. We met in 1992 when we were both in treatment for alcoholism (my very first stab at recovery). I have seen her shopping in my store numerous times and I assumed she just didn't remember me. Well come to find out she does. We sat down and she asked me if I remember her. I told her of course I do. She asked me how I was doing. I told her I was doing fine. She asked me again-"You know what I mean, HOW are you doing, with - well - you know what I mean." I knew what she meant. Was I still sober. I told her I was doing good with almost 4 years clean. She told me she has never stopped using. Sigh. I always saw her and assumed she was doing alright and did not want to approach her for anonymity reasons and I was after all always at work when I saw her. I gave her my phone number and told her to use it anytime. She gave me a BIG hug right there in the middle of the hustle and bustle of our busy store. She absolutely made my day. I feel best when I am helping another sick alcoholic and I think that God put her back in my life for a reason. Maybe some time working with her and not thinking about POOR ME is just what I need. That AND a piece of ass. Or am I asking too much here?
You all have a good night, and thanks for your kind words after my last whiny post. Queen....OUT


Pammie said...

When the sponsor is ready a sponsee will appear ;)

Gin said...

I think you are absolutely right. She was there so that you can focus on something else now other than getting that piece of A**! Ha,ha! Seriously though, that's awesome. I am glad she reached out to you. That is often so hard to do. Have a wonderful Tuesday.

Syd said...

Good for you Queen. Helping others helps each of us. Thankfully, God put her and you together.

Anonymous said...

I think it's funny that you asked for a piece of ass and God sent you another alcoholic. No, that's not funny, that's hilarious! God has such a great sense of humor!

Vivvy said...

My cheeks hurt from laughing at the " POA " comments.

I do blieve you have a special gift to help others. It's genuine and sincere all from your heart. You really are a very special person and I love you. Love you because you are such a good person.

Sage Ravenwood said...

We're the same way. Whenever I get into those poor me modes, inevitably I find someone who needs my help. Not only is life affirming, it brings me back down to size. (Hugs)Indigo

Zanejabbers said...

Great story. Now about the POA?

Patrick said...

Everything for a reason, what an awesome post.

Bill said...

I'm not a bit surprised that she would ask you for help.

It's funny how things work like that. I answered the AA hotline one day, and a man said "Oh! Sorry, I was trying to reach an insurance company."
About three minutes later, he called back and said "I just called you a few minutes ago by dialing wrong. But, you know, I think I need to talk to you..."