So I've been a bit busy lately. I am so sick of alcoholism, I've said it before and I'll say it again-It sucks big donkey dick. It just does. It's once again rearing its ugly head in one of my loved ones. My big brother (Uncle Drunkle) is currently in the hospital ICU suffering from alcohol withdrawal. He got there by falling off a ladder on Saturday and has been there since. In and out of the ICU. His head injury that he suffered as a result of his fall are the least of his worries right now. They can't seem to get his blood pressure under control because he is detoxing.
When he was being treated in the emergency room, I had a chat with my little brother and my roomie sister. I started out by saying we all know Uncle Drunkle drinks like a fish. The next think I know, my little brother says "Oh geez, we all know this and we know how far you've come Denise but do we really have to go into that NOW?" I could have slapped him silly at that point. He went on for a minute or so and I asked him if I could finish what I was going to say. What I was going to (and finally did) tell them is that we have to worry about alcohol withdrawal since he's going to be hospitalized for a while. If the hospital doesn't know he is an alcoholic, they can't treat him and it is DANGEROUS. He could DIE just from that, never mind the major bump on his head. Lil Bro apologized and agreed this was certainly something we should mention to the hospital.
So here we are a few days later and he IS indeed suffering from alcohol withdrawal (I DID mention it to a nurse, they already knew!). He is in the Intensive Care Unit and is getting the best care possible. I worry more about when he is released. Is he going to hit a packy and get a six pack and a pack of cigs? I hope not, but it is very likely. I will certainly give him all the support he wants or needs but he does have to want it. He knows I am in recovery, he jokes about it every time he sees me. But to me it is not a joke. He is only a few years younger than my dad when my dad passed away. From heart and respiratory disease-brought on by booze and cigarettes. Same thing, different generation. I don't want to lose my brother, but if he continues this way of life, he is going to suffer the same fate as my father. I can't imagine life without my big brother. He is every ones favorite uncle in my family. All of the kids just love him to pieces. But they too will be crushed if we lose him to this disease.
So when all of my friends here say their prayers, and I know you all do-please include Uncle Drunkle. Pray that this is the wake up call that he needs to begin a new life free from alcohol. I love you guys, and appreciate the prayers........Queen......OUT
The Squeaky Wheel Gets What It Wants.
4 days ago